Leading for Efficacy

Efficiency? Effectiveness? Efficacy? !!! - Jackie Chan Why? | Make a Meme

What observable evidence can be used to measure the effect technology is having on student learning and achievement?

There are many observable indicators that can be utilized to assess how well technology is influencing student learning. The information acquired from formative, summative, and state evaluations serves as the first piece of proof. The information gives an accurate indication of how well students are performing. By looking at lesson plans and conducting classroom observations, you may also evaluate how technology is used effectively. You can observe the organization, the use of technology, and how it is incorporated into the curriculum. When observing a classroom, you can also see how students participate and engage. 

Lastly, testimonies and support from stakeholders are yet another approach for observing how technology affects student learning. Stakeholders are more willing to participate in a process when they perceive it to be effective. Testimonies from students about how motivated and excited they are to learn because of the resources and framework that technology offers are invaluable. Every student should experience the enthusiasm of Shenigers' daughter when attending Wells Elementary School because of student empowerment, a supportive school climate, and the integration of research-based methods.

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